
Online Resources

Overdrive/Libby -- Read ebooks and digital magazines and listen to eaudiobooks on your mobile device, tablet, or computer with your library card. We offer a great collection for you to explore and find your next great read, Virginia Piedmont's Library 2 Go. Get the Libby app for iOS and Android devices.

Magzter -- Digital magazine library provided by the Library of VA. Browse from a collection of over 5,000+ best selling magazines, such as People Magazine, Car and Driver, Newsweek, HGTV Magazine, and more!
NoveList Plus -- Can’t decide what to read next? Need a recommendation for a child, student, or family member? Use NoveList to discover your next favorite author, series, or title.
JobNow -- Connect with a certified career coach, seven days a week between 2 and 11 pm. Get help with résumé writing, applications, searches, and skill development needs. Also find unemployment assistance, résumé templates, career assessments, and more. Includes test prep resources and practice tests and career credentialing information for over 140 specific careers.
See all the great Jamerson Online Resources